Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Reaction to Chapter 7 on Infidelity from The Dark Side of Close Relationships II

Infidelity.  We’ve all witnessed it and some of us may have even partaken in it, given that the statistics show infidelity prevalent among more than half of the adult population (page 176).  As my reaction paper discusses and theorizes on, two areas mentioned in The Dark Side require further discussion and exploration as to:

·         Why there was a sudden jump in the 1980s of infidelity among women from a steady 24 percent to 26 percent in previous decades to an astounding 54 percent (page 176); and

·         Why there “may be . . . (a) shortage of single men in the African American community creating increased opportunities for married black men to engage in infidelity with single black women” (page 182).

Lastly, my reaction paper discusses the reasons why people participate in infidelity. My observations over the years reflect the findings reported in The Dark Side, with people from all walks of life, in all types of relationships and with a variety of attachment styles and personality types partaking in infidelity (as described on pages 178 and 179, respectively).  The chart below is based on my observations, combined with confidential information provided by the individuals involved (whose names have been changed to maintain confidentiality), about the reasons for their infidelity, their attachment styles and personality traits as defined in The Dark Side.

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